SID Feb 2019 Prize Winners

Guardian Saints Safer Internet Day 2019 Prize Draw - Winners announced

This year nearly 400 carers completed Guardian Saints online questionnaire to enter the draw. Foster carers were asked a series of short questions about themselves, how they and the young people they look after use the Internet, what challenges they have had around online safety and what they think are the key dangers the Internet presents to young people in care. 

For the first time, questions about data management & security were included. All responses are retained entirely confidentially. The results of the survey will help Guardian Saints to support the Fostering Community & to raise awareness of the challenges they face in keeping this group of young people safe online. 

On 5th February 2019 in Rotherham, at the ‘Your Child’s Digital World Fostering Conference’ organised by the Foster Care Co-Operative (FCC) in support of Safer Internet Day 2019, Guardian Saints CiC concluded the fourth annual survey of foster carers and young people in care’s use of the Internet by holding a prize draw. 

Guardian Saints are grateful to be given the opportunity to speak at the 'Your Child’s Digital World Fostering Conference’

Event organiser Lynn Findlay of FCC drew the tickets for three lucky carers to receive their Amazon shopping voucher prizes

Winning tickets announced by Lynn Finday at FCC assisted by Doug Johnston from Guardian Saints.

Draw Order                Fostering Services                 Prize won

    1st                         Capstone Foster Care            £250 Amazon Voucher

    2nd                       Kasper Fostering                   £100 Amazon Voucher

    3rd                        Compass Fostering                £50 Amazon Voucher 

We would like to thank Steve Sellers, Computappoint for his generosity.

Guardian Saints Prize Draw

Guardian Saints are pleased to donate  £150 worth of Amazon vouchers.

In addition, we would like to thank SmartSurvey for both it's support and generosity in helping us to facilitate this survey.

Guardian Saints is an organisation dedicated to promoting online safety for children & young people in care. The information will help Guardian Saints to refine Digital Safeguarding and Online Safety training delivered to Foster Carers, Adopters & Special Guardians, Social Workers & Support staff nationally. It will be used when Guardian Saints are lobbying Government, Internet Service providers and internet presences to make changes to more adequately protect young people from harm. 

Safer Internet Day Posts

Guardian Saints Blogs

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"Remind me Tomorrow", the procrastinator's motto. Delaying updates feels satisfying, but security is crucial. Spending just 30 minutes now can prevent hours of future hassle. Keep devices up to date for data protection.
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Free Guardian Saints seminar - Learn about the benefits of having a strong cyber security system in place and how this prevents potential threats to your fostering agency
cyber security  and data protection seminar
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Guardian Saints and NAFP are hosting a seminar on 19th April to explore the key concepts to help fostering agencies make the right decisions when transferring, sharing or processing information. Applying the Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) appropriately.
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Importance of fostering providers, fostering agency providing Online safety training, and awareness around digital resilience, cyber security and children's privacy, young people in care.
IASME working with the National Cyber Security Centre to educate charities about Cyber Security
by keepmesafe 13 October 2022
Guardian Saints is supporting IASME who is working closely with the National Cyber Security Centre to educate charities about the cyber threat they face and inform them about the benefits of Cyber Essentials.
Online Safety Awareness Training young people in care (YPC)
by keepmesafe 10 October 2022
Online safety awareness training for young children in care for fostering providers. We will cover common social media apps the benefits and concerns. Privacy settings and safeguards explained to help young people in care's awareness and to promote a safe and positive experience when using the Internet.
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Beginners guide to GDPR and Cyber Security Seminar in association NAFP - Fostering Providers
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Guardian Saints - devoted to helping the Fostering Sector protect young people's data & privacy and to enhance cyber-security resilience.
by keepmesafe 19 August 2021
Guardian Saints work with fostering organisations and individuals responsible for safeguarding young people in care. We help them build robust policy and practices for data protection and online safety. As part of the work we did to support Safer Internet Day this year, we collected information about how young people in care used the internet, what they liked and disliked and what worried them about using it. This report presents a summary of what they told us.
by keepmesafe 22 July 2021
Guardian Saints work with organisations and individuals responsible for safeguarding young people in care. We help them build robust policy and practices for data protection and online safety. As part of the work we did to support Safer Internet Day this year, we collected information about how young people in care used the internet, what they liked and disliked and what worried them about using it. This report presents a summary of what they told us.
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