Carers Survey_old

Independent Foster Agencies' Carers Survey  2016

Ofsted are currently consulting on the Inspection Framework for Independent Foster Agencies (IFAs). To both inform the work we do and to feed into this process, we are conducting a survey to establish what key issues and concerns Foster Carers have in respect of online safety for the children they look after.
The survey has been ‘piloted’ with a number of IFAs and sent to over 650 carers. 

Responses so far are interesting, to say the least. There are many organisations that champion online safety for children, however, Guardian Saints provides a unique focus on Looked After Children who, to quote David Cameron are the ‘most vulnerable children in our society’. This may be attributed to background and early life experiences but is further complicated by the dynamics of individual situations depending on who holds parental responsibility i.e. Birth Parent or State. 

We know from personal experience and working with Foster Carers that this can present particular challenges. It is therefore imperative that the views of Foster Carers are taken into account and Ofsted have invited us to feedback on this
In a similar way to the post inspection surveys Ofsted conduct, the survey is completely anonymous, we are not asking for carers contact details as we believe this will enable them to respond more openly. No response will be attributed to any individual or organisation. 

When the survey is complete, we will send out a summary of the results to all of the organisations that participated. 

Participation is free
Your organisation should have received an email invitation to participate, however, if you have not, please contact us
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