Secure Data Storage

Making Sure You're Secure

Strong on security yet simple to use, the iStorage range of data storage devices are Guardian Saints' best pick for safeguarding your organisation's digital information

Save Money and Support Our Work

When You Buy Through Guardian Saints

Being passionate about all things security online we only use and recommend products and services that we believe in and trust. Our search for secure data storage solutions that we would be happy to recommend to the foster agencies, foster carers and other individuals and organisations we work with has lead us to the iStorage range of products. Their combination of exceptional security, quality and affordability continue to impress us, and we are sure they will impress you too.

Fortunately iStorage like what we do too and are keen to support us. Our partnership means that when you buy any of the iStorage product range through Guardian Saints, not only will you save money with an exclusive discount you can't get elsewhere but you will be helping to support our work too.

Recommended Products


"In our testing we saw that the datAshur range of encrypted flash drives do offer exactly what they claim to - top of the range security, easy to use & affordable."
Chris, Guardian Saints

Plug and play on any computer
No software to install
PIN access
Automatically locks when unplugged

from £29*

* Save with our discount code
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"Under testing the diskAshur range of portable hard drives performed excellently. They are a first class, easy to use solution for foster carers or smaller agencies"
Chris, Guardian Saints

Works with any computer
No software to install
Immune to attacks and tamper proof
Robust and good looking

from £119*

* Save with our discount code
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"With capacities up to 8TB and military grade, real time encryption this is like having Fort Knox on your desktop, but it's still quick and easy to implement"
Chris, Guardian Saints

Works with any computer
Hi-speed USB for quick file transfer
Full disk encryption
Affordable mass storage capacity

from £179*

* Save with our discount code
Contact us for details
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